
What is Pushstart?
PushStart was inspired by the act of giving back to a sport which was an athletes' passion for over a decade. This athlete was Christina Smith who raised to the level of Olympian in a sport she was one of histories pioneers and the first to compete for Canada (along with partner Paula McKenzie) in its inaugural Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City Utah in the sport of Bobsleigh.

As Gandhi once stated – Be the change that you want to see in the world – Smith embraced that with her so called Olympic degree, will, desire and perseverance to create a movement called PushStart. An initial philanthropic act of recognizing an athlete in need, gave way to an international vision. PushStart is now aimed at creating a global sport network, assisting athletes, coaches and staff through transition in and out of sport – the act of giving a PushStart to those by creating a network amongst like minded and ambitious people who are prone to excel in sport and life.

PushStart is meant to develop a social and business community to assist in the process of advancement in new pursuits of life, sharing leads in business, generating income, connecting people with people who need products or services, advance in society through marketing and distribution through word of mouth & referrals.

The sporting community is a small but vast one which is widely respected. It is a family that is not to be forgotten or taken for granted. As an athlete you served your country and now its time to leverage your accomplishments towards your future pursuits. When one spends years in school for a degree, they proudly state their title on their business cards as all should. Athletes should display proudly their athletic accomplishments to indicate achievement as Doctors or Lawyers do.

PushStart does what is says, gives a push start to create movement forward. Anything in motion stays in motion as long as it get some energy behind it to get started. PushStart is a place of inspiration, of authentic reflection and a nucleus generated to create unity, community and support for all.

Do you need a PushStart?